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New Track

Finally Friiday! That means its time to release the new track. Well here it is y'all. I Love Holland , by urs truelly Kream. Hope ya like it!
Download Link :
Kream - I Love Holland.mp3

New Man

New feeling , New music all new Kream!
Going to the studio today and will be dropping a new song 2morow!
Ill be back later with pics from the studio and news about my music career.
anyway here is the cover for the song ill be dropping 2morow!

I <3 College.


Was checking out some of the art on deviantart and came across this artist called BossLogic. This guy is by far one of the most talented photoshop artists ive ever seen. BossLogic is this syrian guy that lives in Australia and his art is just mindblowing. Almost want to talk to him about hooking up a cover for me , or pics for promo. Anyway these are some of my fav pics made by him. Enjoy!

(Click on the pics to get full size)

Follow Ya Boi

Whut's good!
Working on the design of my blogg , Dont know how long it might take but im on it.
Meanwhile follow ya boi on twitter! Ill be back on my BS soon!

Ill just start off by saying there alot of things that i just cant stand. I mean you couldnt even imagine how many things that i can not stand. Some people call it hating , some call me a hater. Thats not the case. This is just facts. I really think that god ,buddah , jesus , mohamed , vishna krishnu all em mothafuckas put some people on this planet JUST so they can get on my fucking nervs. So guess what this here is a list of the worst of the worst , well atleast most of them.
I hate jersey shore , i hate the person who came up with jersey shore. I hate the cast of jersey shore , i hate their family. I hate everybody they know , knew or are going to get to know for the next 5000 years. I hate lions , i hate Saw movies. I hate optimists i hate pessimists. I hate cashiers at grocery stores , i hate their bosses ( always calling the police on me). I hate porslin , i hate silk. I hate pickles and i hate ketchup. I hate McDonalds , I hate birds. I hate fish ( when not in sushi form). I hate true blood , i hate one tree hill. I hate the OC and i HAAAATE LOST. I hate clouds , i hate bugs. I hate mornings , i hate breakfast. I hate brunch. I hate cell phones , i hate CD players. I hate DVD players. I hate North Korea , i hate TV3. I hate walls and i hate wallpaper. I hate beggers and i hate Liberal people and i hate conservative people. I hate christian fanatics , and i hate jehovas witnesses. Well the ones that knock on my damn door early as fuck and wont take no for an answere.
I hate Disney Channel , i hate Disney movies i hate everything that has to do with disney. I hate Zac effron , i hate his little midget bitch ( Vanessa Hudgens ). I hate Chaning Tatum , i hate spartacus. I hate survivor , i hate paradise hotel. I hate Sonny Bono , I hate Femman Kurds (Loving the translation :P ). I hate plumbers , i hate electritions. I hate phone service people. I hate curry , i hate horses. I hate ponnies. I hate curling , i hate la cross and volleyball. I hate sequels to movies with the exeptions ( Star Trek , Star Wars , Shaft , Lord Of The Rings , Clerks , Rush Hour ) and i couple more cant remeber them right now. I hate butterflies , i hate worms. I hate balloons.
Here is a list of celebs i hate :
Kirsten Dunst
Tom Cruise
Cam Gigandet
Perez Hilton
Perez Hiltons face
Paris Hilton
Paris hilton's Dog / rat
Oprah Winfrey
Lindsay Lohan
Miley Cyrus
Mischa Barton
Angelina Jolie
Kelly Osbourne
Prince William And his butt buddy Prince Charles
The Whole Swedish Royal Family
Ashley Tisdale
Former President Nixon
The Whole Cast of Sex And the City
Jessica Simpson
Samantha Ronson
Kim Kardashian
Ashley and Mary-Kate Olssen
Everybody in swedish Idol History
Everybody on NRJ
Martha Stewart
Dr phil's Big ol bald head.
Dr.Phils Porno Mustasch.
Dr.Phils Kids
Dr.Phils Pants
Julia Roberts
Britney Spears
Britney Spears Vagina on every damn magazine.


Kream Feat KM-1 & Malaika "U-TURN" Holmén - Remenis
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